Monday, April 18, 2011

Extreme Stockpiling- Apartment Style...

No, I don't have a garage set apart just for storing my stockpile, but I do have a small cabinet in the bathroom of our 1000 sq ft apartment, as I do believe in stockpiling when the price is right.  And in my eyes the right price means literal pennies for all of these items.  And for our family of 3 this is more than enough space and stuff! 

Here are some guidelines for stockpiling-

1) Determine what your stockpile needs are 
Determine what items your family  uses on a regular basis and would be good items to stock up on. Some are pretty obvious: toothpaste, shampoo, deodorant, etc.
2) Define what a comfortable stockpile amount is for your family
  This amount is completely individual. I personally keep a 3-6 month
supply of health and beauty items in our stockpile. Many of these
items can be easily replenished for free so I don't find a larger supply is
necessary for us.
3) Know when a seemingly "good price" is truly a good price
I will venture to say that I will pay nothing for toothpaste, floss, eye drops, toothbrushes, contact solution, deodorant, or mouthwash. There are always excellent deals for these items, so when you can get it for FREE stock up!

Name brand Hair Care Products- around $.70 each or less is a good price I think for our area.
Razors- I generally pay 0.99 for good name brand razors.  

Body wash- 0.25 or less

Wipes- no more than around 0.50-0.60 for flushable wipes.

4) Establish a place for storing your stockpile
 Before you buy a stockpile of something, think ahead to where you are going to put it. Certain products
have storage recommendations that should be followed so truly
understanding what your needs are will help you from wasting money in expired stockpile items. 

I use the FIFO policy–First In, First Out. Meaning that I use up the items which have been on the shelf longest first. This helps me rotate the items as new ones are placed in our storage to ensure nothing expires before it can be used. I use this policy most for groceries.

** I also have a list taped onto the inside of the cabinet with exactly how much I have of each item in there. When a number get to around 2 I start looking for deals for that item again.  In the mean time, if I have 8 bodywashes, I don't even bother with seeking out those deals even if its super cheap.  I'd rather spend that time with my family :)

I hope this helps you establish a healthy stockpile if you are just starting on this couponing journey!

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